Setting up wingpanel-slim

Elementary OS is one of the most beautiful operating systems I’ve ever used. Usually I mod my OS extremely but for the first time, I left most of the OS defaults as is. The operating system UI is really minimal and if you use wingpanel-slim with auto-hide you can save even more screen space.

But when I enabled it in elementary tweaks, it worked after a few tries but never worked on system boot. Then I came across a blog post in about customizing the top panel in elementary OS. But I’m more interested in a comment made by the author. He says, in order to make sure wingpanel-slim (elementary OS top panel) tweak work, we must edit an entry in Cerbere section in Elementary Tweaks app. Works perfectly.


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Create an empty git branch

It’s really easy to create a new empty git branch with no parents (AKA orphan branches). First create an orphan branch with git checkout --orphan newbranch. Now you can remove any files in the directory with git rm -rf * and finally push... Continue →